
Why should you start investing in your 20s or 30s?


I made my first investment at age eleven. I was wasting my life up until then.

Some of you may have come across this quote. This is what the Great Warren Buffet quoted. It was at the age of 11 that he first invested in a company and consider that his life was a waste until then.

Here I am, writing a blog about the importance of investments in your 20s and 30s, while Warren Buffet has the opportunity to do it while he was 11. Even I started investing at the age of 25, the point is we should not hesitate to do it when we start working.

Such is the value of investing at a younger age. He who understands and implements it will be financially well-settled at an older age where he is weak and unable to earn.

Whether it's 20, 30, 40 if you are reading this and do not have any investment plans, please think about doing it and keep on reading to understand its importance.

There may be so many people around you who will advise you against investing in the stock markets and force you to back away. As most of the people in India have a demonic negative view of the stock market, due to their obvious lack of experience. To know about Stock Market, click here

One thing I must emphasize repeatedly is that the stock market in India provides you good opportunities to increase your wealth and is one of the well-regulated systems under SEBI.

Why should you Invest in Stock Market? How safe is it?

Need for younger age investment

Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn't … pays it.

As the great Albert Einstein quoted, the magic of compounding is what working here for you in a younger age investment.

The effect of compounding is much more awesome than you think when it starts earlier. Because you are getting a larger time frame and most importantly you will be rectifying the mistakes that happen during the initial phase when you become capable of doing more.

Also, the most important thing we could understand if we check the last 10 years' chart of Nifty is the difference in the growth of Nifty and its growing year by year, except for some dips that happen in between. Overall, Nifty has always been following an upward trend till date.

The monthly chart of Nifty from 2005 to 2021

It’s always encouraging to see Nifty, bouncing its way back after the corona impacted dip. Such is the recovering power of the Stock Market of our country nowadays.

Learning and riskier opportunities

Age is not the barrier to learning, but it is when the learning involves money and risk. When we are young and fresh a lot of barriers are not there for us. You may not be the head of the family, or the sole breadwinner, and you may not have to take care of your children, most of you may be having well-settled parents who may not need your money to live on.

Of course, you may have other things to take care of, especially if you are working far away from your homes. The rent, food, and other expenses need to be taken care of by yourself.

When I am talking about the investment it doesn’t mean a lot of money. In fact, there is thumb rule 50:30:20; your needs, wants, and, savings.

I am not even talking about these ratios either, if you could save ₹500 or ₹1000 monthly then it's a good start according to me.

You can start with a ₹500 and keep on adding a little, learning from your mistakes and taking some risks the possibility of a better return will eventually come your way. For this to happen you need to learn and understand and sometimes experiment with different methods and strategies.

All this risk you can only afford when you are in your 20s or early 30s. Later you need to play safe and ensure a minimum return. So, what are you waiting for? It’s high time to start thinking about investing and starting early.

Financial discipline from a younger age

In India mostly the youth starts earning is close to mid-20s after the studies. Yes, I know most people won't be getting a decent salary or some may have some burdens to take care of. Such people can wait for a little more as their salaries improve or their burdens reduce and they may get into shape to have some savings by the end of the month.

As for people who are earning enough may not know how to spend wisely the earned money and at the end of the month or year, they may become somebody not having anything to spare.

A small monthly investment plan will ensure some savings for them in the future and moreover what these guys will attain is a financial discipline later by recognizing the importance of that small investment plan they started when it starts showing the signs of wealth multiplication.

Early retirement opportunity

You may have seen a lot of videos or heard speeches of us running behind the money in our good times and losing the most important part of life i.e., to have a little enjoyment and happy moments. So, in the end, when you are old and weak you may not be able to finish up your bucket list.

Now comes the greatest importance of younger age investment. As you start an investment as early as possible the chance of your retirement age reduces accordingly. Your savings may be high enough for you to retire early and look for some part-time jobs or as an expert consultant in your field and have time for your bucket list.

Also, you can withdraw the long-term investment and put a portion of that as a bigger investment for getting more safer returns opportunities. Because now is the time to reduce risk and enjoy safe returns.

Better late than never. As simple as that. Investing at a younger age will never be a bad thing because, in the end, you will always have something for sure. So even if you are late, just don't mind start something and have something. 😉

If you are late just try investing a larger amount if you are capable. It won't match the benefits of investing younger but will take care of some lost time. We will discuss some investment programs in the next blog. Stay tuned, until then ✌

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